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First meeting and highschool event


*First published February 4th, 2019*

Today was the very first meeting of In the Weeds! It was incredible! We had a great attendance and even better discussion! We hope for those of you who would like to join make it to the next!

After the meeting I headed straight over to the Community Resilience event that was hosted by the Animas High School. The senior students have worked on an amazing project for the community of bringing suicide awareness to the table. They will be releasing a quiz soon that will help with folks discovering which resource will work best for them personally based on the answers to certain questions. This is great as for sometimes it is a challenge finding the correct therapist or group to seek out for help. The event this evening was pretty much a meet and greet type situation for all the resources in the area, and I was able to come and represent the group! The feedback was phenomenal and everyone is excited for our group, which feels great. It is awesome the amount of people in our community here that do care and are part of the revolution in mental health sustainability.

Cheers! I hope everyone is recovering nicely from the epic Snowdown that just occurred and obviously working with these storms hitting the mountain!


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